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Website Accessibility

Schmitt Music is focused on enriching lives by helping people make music. That’s been our mission for 125 years. In pursuit of that goal, we are committed to making sure that everyone is able to navigate our website and access Schmitt Music’s products, services, and information online.

Please contact us if you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or if you encounter any page, feature, or function you feel is not fully accessible to a person with disabilities.

Please contact our Customer Service team to report any items that you believe are not accessible and provide a description of the content in question. You can call 763-398-5004 or submit an entry to our Accessibility report – click here to fill out the form.

Schmitt Music takes your accessibility feedback seriously and we will consider all information as we improve our website and policies in an effort to accommodate everyone.

Shopping Online

Do you need help shopping for an instrument, accessories, or music? Please feel free to call our product specialist at 763-398-5004 for personal shopping help.

Employment Questions

If you have a disability and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to applying for employment, please contact Cathy at 763-398-5014 and/or email

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